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Cheryl's Blog

One Small Step... May 09, 2023

How often do you feel totally overwhelmed with all the goals and responsibilities on your plate? I don’t know about you, but I hate it when...

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Does Your Communication Truly Connect? May 02, 2023

Everyone communicates, but…

...we don't always connect with others when we do.  What I've learned from working with dozens of teams...

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The Best Way to Influence Others Apr 25, 2023

When you think about the people who have been most influential in your life and your career, what is it about them that made them so?


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The #1 Criteria for Advancement Apr 11, 2023

According to Harvard Business Review, the #1 Criteria for advancement and promotion for professionals is the ability to communicate effectively....

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Overcoming the Big Three: Fear, Fatigue, and Frustration Apr 04, 2023

When you think about the times in your life or career or business when you’ve been stuck (and we’ve all had them), what is it that held...

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5 Characteristics of Human-Centered Leaders Mar 22, 2023

As the world continues to move at a faster pace, and our workplace challenges become more complex, and our sphere of concern gets larger and more...

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4 Critical Mindsets for Leaders Mar 15, 2023

In my book, Becoming Deliberate:  Changing the Game of Leadership from the Inside Out, I wrote about mindsets that are crucial to adopt and...

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The Myth of Multitasking Mar 07, 2023

How are you at multi-tasking? While many people take pride in their ability to multi-task, it might surprise you to know what the scientific...

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How Well Do You Listen? Mar 02, 2023

There is so much to learn when you just listen.

The image above is the Chinese symbol called Ting. It illustrates all that’s involved when...

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What Are You Noticing? Feb 21, 2023

In an age when so many of us go through life with our heads down, studying our various devices, we don’t seem to notice much outside our...

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Who is Most Important? Feb 14, 2023

Who are the most important people in your life? Do they know that?  How do they know that? Both personally and professionally, it is good to...

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The Perfection Trap: Overcoming a Self-Defeating Behavior Feb 08, 2023

Striving to be perfect – and expecting others to be perfect as well – can be a self-defeating tendency. In their book, How Women Rise,...

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