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Honoring the Winter Solstice

Dec 21, 2023

In the northern hemisphere, today is the shortest day or the year, with the least light and the most darkness. It signals the beginning of winter, a period of hibernation for many, and for some, all that darkness can be depressing. For others, it is favorite time to enjoy winter sports, hearty meals, cozy fireplaces, and hot cocoa.

Fun fact:  the Arctic Circle experiences 24 hours of dark today, while the Anarctic Circle experiences 24 hours of light.  The reverse is true during the June Solstice.

This week, my yoga teacher offered a different mindset about this time of year, by introducing a lotus mudra, or hand gesture that resembles a lotus flower.  (With your hands in prayer position, at your heart, separate the middle three fingers of each hand, while keeping thumbs and pinkies connected, forming a lotus). She encouraged us to plant a seed of intention within the lotus, and then to nurture it, just as seeds in the ground under the blanket of snow develop into spring flowers.

I found this a lovely way to think about the need for both darkness and light – in nature and in life. It is often the dark times during which we learn and grow and increase our appreciation for lightness.

So, what intention can you identify and nurture during the new season, in anticipation of the next season? What can you appreciate about the darkness and what the winter has to offer as you look forward to spring?

Wishing you a happy, healthy winter season.

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