Providing the next step – with support and guidance - to solve your biggest challenge and a road map for continued progress.

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Tired of not getting results fast enough?

I help organizations to create a cohesive, high-performing dream team.

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Sick and tired of feeling overwhelmed and unappreciated?

I help women business leaders who want to feel admired and respected and more in control of their destiny.

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Destructive conflict has a costly impact.

I help organizations eliminate the achieve the single biggest competitive edge there is…

Are you tired of being pulled in every direction?

I’ve been there.  I understand the frustration.

I learned how to deal with it and overcome it and create a lot of success for myself and for others and I want to share those hard-earned lessons to make life easier for you.

My work helps business leaders who are frustrated with their team’s performance and results and know there must be a better way. 

My message to you:  there is a better way.
There is a proven framework and process for creating a cohesive, high-performing team and getting the results you want faster.

My clients are female executives who struggle with getting the recognition and the career progression that they deserve.  They work hard, sacrifice a lot and just don’t progress as fast as some of their male colleagues.

My message to you:  You can have what you want, without the guilt, without the overwhelm, without the frustration.

I am invested in your success:  I will be your biggest cheerleader. 

I know your pain and frustration.  I’ve overcome a lot of the same challenges you face.  I’ve made the difficult trade-offs.  I understand how you feel.  I have experience, the scars to prove it, and more importantly, a way out. 

I have tools and a track record of helping women like you rise above the challenges and achieve the outcomes you want – and deserve to have.

I have invested years and tons of money learning how to help people just like you.   I can shorten your learning curve and save you a lot of money by sharing what I’ve learned and experienced – often, the hard way. 

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Do you wish your team would step up and produce better results without your constant pushing?

My combination of experience and investment in working with the world’s top thought leaders in leadership excellence, personal transformation, high performance and the principles for success is unique and valuable.

I have a wide variety of tools and resources that I can tap into to offer the right solution to just about any leadership challenge I can think of.

I’m much more interested in solving the problem than I am in making a sale. I will provide what tools people need to do better and be better, even if they are not my tools.


Imagine achieving the results you want without the guilt, overwhelm and exhaustion.

Find out more about how Cheryl can help
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